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Saturday 14 September 2013

The 1556 Shaanxi Earthquake

[The reason why this was posted on 14/9 instead of 13/9 was due to internet connection problems]

The Shaanxi earthquake in China was a catastrophic earthquake and is also the deadliest eartquake on record, killing approximately 830,000 people. More than 97 countries in the Shaanxi province were affected, this includes:  Shanxi, Henan, Gansu and many more.

The earthquakes's epicenter was in the Wei River Valley. 

Modern research shows that the magnitude is 7.9! It is the most deadliest earthquake and the fourth most deadliest natural disaster in the world. After the earthquake, the aftershocks occured a few times a month for half a year.

The cost of damage done by the earthquake is almost impossible to calculate with modern technology. The death toll has been eastimated from 820,000 to 830,000. The damage is incalculable as an entire regoin of inner China had been destroyed and more than 60% of the region's population died.

This picture shows where the earthquake occurred.[The Shaanxi Province]

The damage done by the earthquake.

By Khoo Lian Keat, 7 Kappa

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